Obeo is an independent software provider founded in 2005, and established in France and Canada. We develop open-source technologies that make it possible to create visual and collaborative modeling solutions. With these, our customers elaborate tomorrow's products, services and organizations: spacecrafts, autonomous vehicles, new energies, dematerialization of resources, etc.
Our core business consists in supporting them for the usage of these solutions, their possible adaptation to specific contexts and needs, or even the development of completely tailor-made solutions.
Our success is also that of a great human adventure, that of passionate about technologies and a well done job. But we are also convinced of the importance of taking care of our teams.
Obeo is globally known for its expertise in model-based & model-driven engineering. We work long-term with major actors in both the industrial and academic sectors.
Open Innovation is in our DNA; it is a collaborative approach where we co-create innovative solutions alongside our customers and partners.
At Obeo, human values are at the heart of what we do: we build lasting relationships with our clients and care for our employees by fostering a fulfilling work environment.
Obeo is a committed company!
In line with our values, we actively participate (including financially) to support people involved in the environmental, cultural and social fields.
Our partners : ONPI, CJD, Ma Petite Planète, Odyssea, World Cleanup Day et Team for the Planet.
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We are used to working internationally with major accounts that are leaders in their field.
Thanks to Open Innovation projects, we’ve established a long-term relationship with our clients and partners.
It allows us to build together a unique technical solution, which they can use for many years and evolve freely according to their needs.
Cédric Brun is the CEO at Obeo.
Software engineer, Cédric Brun got involved in open-source projects quite early through contributions to KDE or the Linux Kernel, and then in the Eclipse community as a leader of several projects and member of the Architecture Council.
He likes to share his findings through conferences and happened to co-author a number of articles and research papers.
Co-founder of Obeo, he is currently vice-president of sales.
With a Master's degree in software architecture from the University of Nantes, Étienne Juliot has more than years' experience in the field of software engineering and model-driven engineering (MDE).
Very involved in several Open Source communities such as Sirius and Capella, he lectures all over the world and is a member of the Eclipse Foundation's board of directors.
Co-founder of Obeo, Stéphane Lacrampe now heads Obeosoft Canada Inc., our subsidiary based in Vancouver, Canada. Stéphane and his team are in charge of the entire American continent, along with the Asia-Pacific region.
With an engineering background, Stéphane Lacrampe boasts more than years' professional experience.
In the past, he has been CTO of a London-based start-up.
Mélanie Bats works as CTO at Obeo.
In her daily work, she is mainly focused on managing the R&D team, creating products based on our own open-source technologies. She is used to work in the development of modeling tools with Sirius.
She is committer for the EEF and the Sirius projects. She is also involved in the Eclipse community as being the Eclipse Planning Council chair.