MBSE - Satellite

Your challenges

Designing complex systems

The design of a train, plane, or satellite is a multidisciplinary activity that requires the intervention of numerous experts in specific and various fields (mechanics, software, electronics, telecommunications, energy, safety, etc.).

To succeed, this type of project requires the implementation of a Systems Engineering approach and effective communication between the experts throughout the project's life cycle: from the definition of the needs to the maintenance, including the design and development phases.

Today, a classic Systems Engineering approach based on textual documentation is no longer adequate due to the increasing complexity of systems and their architectures.



Our vision

Model-Based Systems Engineering

To maintain a global and coherent vision, using models (MBSE or Model-Based Systems Engineering) is an efficient alternative to a document-based approach.

It consists of using a formal digital language to specify, design, analyze, and verify a system.

Eclipse Capella is an MBSE tool supporting these concepts for your competitiveness:

  • Effective decision-making ;
  • Collaboration facilitated between all stakeholders ;
  • A better understanding of system complexity ;
  • Enhanced integration of the various engineering tools.


Obeo's added-value

Faithful to Open Innovation principles, Obeo actively contributes to developing the Capella ecosystem, the Open Source MBSE solution created by Thales. We thus bring unique expertise to create tools, on your behalf, that are sustainable, easy-to-use, and adapted to your methodology.

Our solution

Your industrial deployment of Capella

Thanks to our expertise in the Open-Source modeling technologies that compose Capella, Obeo is a key partner for a large and successful deployment of this MBSE solution:

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Case Studies

Discover testimonials from Capella adopters in various industrial domains (automotive, energy, space, defense, railway, etc...).


 Public case-studies

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