Acceleo editor screenshot

What we can do for you

We can help you get the most of code generation

Our expertise allows us to offer a wide range of solutions:

  • Develop code generators for you, targeting the language of your choice, based on your own modeling and code generation rules;
  • Review your Acceleo-based code generators, to optimize their execution and improve their maintainability;
  • Migrate your code generators to a more recent version of Eclipse and Acceleo;
  • Coach and train your team to create Acceleo experts;
  • Extend Acceleo with new features contributed to Open Source, as part of an Open Innovation project;
  • And much more...!
Acceleo editor screenshot

Our expertise

Leader of the Acceleo open-source project

A code generator allows you to leverage the models created with your modeling tools. They ensure continuity between your design and development activities.

From UML, SysML, BPMN ... or your own Domain Specific Language (DSL) we can create custom code generators to automatically produce files for extremely varied kinds of languages: Java, C, C++, Ada, PHP, HTML/Javascript, etc.

Using a template-based approach, we develop generators for you that incorporate your modeling rules. These generators produce source code based on your technical choices and development standards.

Given that our code generators are themselves software components, we develop them using our Software Development quality approach, in order to ensure a high level of maintainability: non-regression testing, continuous integration, the application of best practices for querying, performance optimization, extensible architecture.

Obeo coaching in action

How can we help you?

Our experts can help you in several ways:


Obeo's added value

To create a custom code generator that is both effective and maintainable, we use Acceleo, an Open Source technology on the Eclipse platform. With Obeo, you benefit from the expertise of the technology’s creators and the extensive experience of our consultants gained across numerous customer projects.

Need assistance to develop your code generators?

Contact us