Eclipse modeling logo

Obeo leads a number of Eclipse projects dedicated to modeling:

  • Sirius: create customized modeling workbenches
  • SysON: edit SysML v2 models
  • POOSL: evaluate complex system's architecture
  • Acceleo: create customized code generators
  • EMF Compare: compare and merge EMF models
  • EEF: create frameworks to edit EMF models
  • Ecore Tools: graphically define Ecore models (metamodels)
  • Amalgam: discover and easily install Eclipse Modeling components


Eclipse modeling logo

Based on these technologies, Obeo develops other open-source projects:

  • M2Doc: generate MS WordTM documents from your models by creating WYSIWYG templates,
  • IS Designer: design and develop information systems with an Open-Source and Eclipse-based Software Engineering workbench.


Eclipse workbench screenshot

Obeo also leads or contributes to other Eclipse projects:

  • Capella: Systems Engineering workbench 
  • SysON: SysML v2 model editor 
  • EGit: integration in Eclipse of the GIT source manager


Obeo's added value

You can call upon Obeo to enhance these technologies on the basis of your needs, through an Open Innovation project.

As a provider of these technologies, Obeo gives you the option to subcontract enhancements directly within the heart of the platform.

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