Publication for Capella 2025.1.0 (Released 2025-Feb-03)

This is a new major version released February 3, 2025.


Server Improvements

  • It is now possible to log in using OpenID Connect, in addition to the legacy authentication system based on use/password credentials.
  • A validation of the publication data is now made by the server before triggering a job. This validation can reject the publication if some link types have been defined in the contributor Client but not in the server. In such a case, the server’s configuration needs to be aligned with the contributor client configuration by creating the missing link types in the OSLC linking configuration.
  • Links that point to a deleted artifact can now be detected and dealt with.
  • Publication for Capella is now compatible with CodeBeamer. The integration with CodeBeamer is achieved based on OSLC and is considered as experimental in this release.

Web Client Improvements

  • New options are available on OSLC associations:
    • Dialogs can be filtered in the delegated link creation dialog by type (selection or creation).
    • It is possible to decide whether the delegated link creation dialog must remain open after link creation or not.
  • Diagrams are now displayed in the semantic model tree. They are still displayed in the 'Representations per Viewpoint', as before.
  • Properties displayed in the Web client have been improved for many types of Capella objects.
  • A preview is now displayed when a link to a third-party artifact or a published model element is hovered with the mouse.
  • A warning is now displayed on model tree nodes when the model contains invalid links.

Contributor Client Improvements

  • The contributor client can now use OpenID Connect to authenticate with the Publication for Capella server. This change improves security by removing the need to store the user’s credentials on the local machine’s secure store.
  • The command 'Show online' now opens the diagram page when invoked by right- clicking on a diagram’s background. In previous versions, it used to open the page of the semantic target of the diagram.
  • An option to refresh diagrams before publishing has been added.
  • A new way to create traceability links has been added, using copy/paste. First, copy the URL of the third-party artifact in a web browser, then select one model element in a diagram and use Crtl+V to paste it. This will create a traceability link.
  • The outcome of a Publication is now displayed in Capella to the Capella user when the publication job is over. The user is thus notified if there is a problem or if the publication was OK.

Publication for Capella 2024.5.2 (2024-10-25)

This is a hot fix version released mainly to resolve a bug that appeared on October 24, 2024. This
bug prevents the Publication for Capella web site from working properly under Google Chrome or
Microsoft Edge web browsers.

All users of 2024.5.x are invited to immediately upgrade their server to 2024.5.2. The Contributor Client is not impacted.

Server Improvements

  • Bug in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge that causes the display of an error page with
    message 'An error has occurred, please contact your administrator or refresh the page…' when
    clicking on any model element.
  • Fix Content-Security-Policy header to use frame-ancestors directive properly. This bug
    may have prevented previews of Publication for Capella pages from third-party friend servers.
  • A bug which deleted previous versions of diagrams when publishing has been fixed.

Publication for Capella 2024.5.1 (2024-06-05)

This version is a hot fix for a bug discovered after the release of 2024.5.0, that prevents large models from being published.

All users of 2024.5.0 are invited to immediately upgrade their server to 2024.5.1. The Contributor Client is not impacted.

Server Improvements

  • A bug preventing large models from being published has been fixed. This bug only impacts release 2024.5.0, not the previous versions.

Publication for Capella 2024.5.0 (2024-05-21)

This version integrates a few minor fixes an improvements.

Contributor Client Improvements

  • A new category has been added in the semantic browser to better support applied properties, especially when the PVMT add-on is used. This category is of course published so that property values applied to any model element can be seen easily online.


    Publication for Capella 2024.5.0 - Applied Property Values in Semantic Browser

    Figure 1. Applied Property Values in the online Semantic Browser

  • The configuration of the types of links that can be created between Capella elements and third-party artifacts has been improved to make it more simple and more powerful. It is now possible to use super-type names. For instance, typing component will allow links to be created on SystemComponent, LogicalComponent, and PhysicalComponent instances. Typing abstract function will allow links to be created on OperationalActivity, SystemFunction, LogicalFunction, and PhysicalFunction instances, since they all inherit from AbstractFunction.
  • An option has been added to facilitate the use of the contributor client with self-signed SSL certificates in the context of product evaluations.
  • A bug that prevented publishing models with broken links has been fixed.

Server Improvements

  • Publication for Capella now sets the Security-Content-Policy in its response headers so that OSLC friend web sites and white-listed web sites can embed its pages in iframe elements.
  • Publication for Capella now properly displays the OSLC links title even when they contain HTML elements.

Publication for Capella 2024.3.0 (2024-03-28)

The focus of this version is to manage the versioning of models and model elements published on the server.

Web Client Improvements

  • The web client now displays the history of publications and online link modifications. This history is displayed in a dedicated right-hand panel.


    Publication for Capella 2024.3.0 - New History UI

    Figure 1. New History UI

  • The quick search no longer reloads the page when a search result is selected.
  • The quick search now supports navigating in search results using the keyboard arrows.

Contributor Client Improvements

  • The publication wizard now requires the user to enter a message explaining the reason of the publiction. This message is used as a commit message, displayed online in the model history view.
  • The credentials to connect to the Publication server will always be requested if they are not properly set in the preferences, without interrupting the requested operation.

Server Changes

  • The default labels for the four IBM DOORS Next link types (trace, satisfy, specify, derives) have been fixed. It is recommended to reflect these changes in server environments in the oslc-linking.json file.

Publication for Capella 2023.12.0 (2023-12-31)

The focus of this version is on bringing a first level of Global Configuration Support. This support is not complete but makes it possible to use Publication for Capella with third-party repositories that use Global Configuration.

Web Client Improvements

  • Limited Support for Global Configuration Management:
    • A project can now be set-up to use Global Configuration if connected to an IBM Jazz Team Server.
    • Within such a project, all models must be associated to exactly one Global Configuration to support traceability.


    Publication for Capella 2023.12.0 - Activate Global Configuration on Project

    Figure 1. Activate Global Configuration on a Project


    Publication for Capella 2023.12.0 - Project with selected Stream

    Figure 2. Work in a specific Stream in a 'Global Configuration Aware' Project

Contributor Client Improvements

  • Limited Support for Global Configuration Management:
    • There is now an initializer to create the OSLC Configuration Management domain. This initializer must be run if the model needs to use a Global Configuration.
    • Whenever a model is configured for a specific Global Configuration, then only artifacts compliant with the Global Configuration can be dragged and dropped from third-party repositories.
  • Facilitate the reuse of a Traceability Configuration:
    • It is now possible to export and import a traceability configuration in Capella, making it easier to configure a new Capella project for traceability with third-party repositories.


    Publication for Capella 2023.12.0 - Import Shared Traceability Configuration

    Figure 3. Import Shared Traceability Configuration

  • The publication URL of a given Capella model is now stored in the *.traceability file instead of the *.aird file.

Server Changes

  • The property has been renamed to perseus.oslc.linking.default. Make sure to change this property’s name in your own file accordingly.

Publication for Capella 2023.10.0 (2023-10-17)

Contributor Client Improvements

  • The traceability initializer now provides an initializer for the JTS domain 'LinkTypes'.

API Improvements

  • OSLC queries now support "where *=<perseus_url>".
  • OSLC queries now support "in [<perseus_url>]".
  • Model object data retrieval via OSLC API has been optimized.

Bug Fixes

  • OSLC links created from another tool to an unnamed object in Perseus are now navigable.
  • It is now possible to create OSLC links from an unnamed object in Perseus.
  • Fix wrongfully encoded characters in OSLC query results.
  • Limit access to OSLC Catalogs according to the user’s permissions.
  • Contributor Client
    • Fix counting of model elements when publishing.
    • Fix missing links issue in some Capella diagrams.
    • Fix NullPointerException when trying to publish a model with broken representation descriptions.

Publication for Capella 2023.8.0 (2023-08-23)

Server Improvements

  • Proxies are now supported in the server. Refer to the installation guide for more details.

Web Client Improvements

  • The labels of OSLC Link types are now properly displayed in the OSLC Links panel, taking into account the OSLC Linking Configuration.

Publication for Capella 2023.8.0 - Improved OSLC Links Panel

Figure 1. Improved OSLC Links Panel

  • Web Client - The refresh all artifacts action is now accessible to all the project contributors.
    • Previously, this action was only available to the server administrator. This was wrong because most of the time the server administrator has no account on the registered OSLC Friend servers, especially when P4C is deployed in a cloud environment.

Publication for Capella 2023.8.0 - Refresh All Artifact available to Project contributors

Figure 2. Refresh All Artifact available to Project contributors

  • Miscellaneous UI Improvements:
    • A link "back to consumer’s list" has been added to all OSLC Consumer pages.
    • A link "back to project" has been added to the project settings page.
    • It is now possible to rename OSLC Friends.

Contributor Client Improvements

  • Proxies are now supported in the Contributor Client. Refer to the installation guide for more details.
  • The traceability layer is now automatically activated whenever an artifact is dropped in a diagram.
  • Links created from remote consumer servers are now synchronized with Capella, as long as there is a correct configuration making it possible for the Publication server to access this consumer as an OSLC Friend.

API Improvements

  • Miscellaneous OSLC API Improvements (Refer to the Perseus - OSLC API.pdf document for more details):
    • The amount of information available in the RDF representation of model elements is now richer. It includes all the properties and references of the model elements.
    • The OSLC Query API now supports more types of queries.

Bug Fixes

  • Web Client - Links with no reverse link type can be properly created, which is absolutely necessary for compatibility with DOORS Next.
    • The previous version had a regression that caused such links to be wrongly marked as problematic.
  • Using the Capella templatepatterns meta-model is now supported.
    • Previously, trying to publish models that depend on this meta-model was prevented by a Constraint Violation exception.
  • The order of viewpoints in Representations per viewpoint in the Web Client is now identical to what it is in Capella, even when additional viewpoints are used.
  • Minor differences regarding the labels of Viewpoint Categories in the Web Client model tree have been fixed.
  • Web Client - The licensing enforcement mechanism will now properly ignore inactive accounts.
  • Contributor Client - Artifacts are now properly displayed in unsynchronized diagrams.
    • Previously, a bug was causing artifacts to be displayed without their type and text in unsynchronized diagrams.
  • Web Client - The web client will no longer fail if access to the browser’s local storage is denied.
  • Contributor Client - Closing the Perseus preferences dialogs no longer causes an exception to appear in the error log.

Publication for Capella 2023.4.0 (2023-06-06)

The focus of this version is on user experience improvements.

Web Client Improvements

    • The search treats % and _ as any other characters, making it possible to search for the exact chain containing one of those.
    • OSLC link targets and their OSLC identifier are included in the search scope.
      • Consequently, it’s now possible to locate model elements linked to an artifact ART-ID by simply searching for ART-ID.

Publication for Capella 2023.4.0 - Quick Search showing model elements linked to an artifact

Figure 1. Quick Search showing model elements linked to an artifact

      • Capella models and model elements are displayed with the same icons as within Capella.
      • The labels of the Viewpoints and their ordering is now identical to what they are in Capella.
      • Representations are grouped by type in the explorer tree, just like in the Capella explorer.
      • The Model Tree nodes are now properly aligned, no matter whether they have children or not.
      • Diagrams are scaled to the browser size. More specifically, diagram images are scaled down if they exceed the available width of the available area.
      • An action makes it possible to display diagrams in full screen.
        • When in full screen, it is possible to grab the whole diagram with the middle mouse button to move it easily.

Publication for Capella 2023.4.0 - Miscellaneous Improvements in the web UI

Figure 2. Miscellaneous Improvements in the web UI

      • Representation Notes in diagrams can now be clicked to navigate to their target diagram.
      • Clicking on objects in diagrams that have other representations attached makes it possible to access those representations.
      • The jobs page now refreshes automatically.
      • OSLC small preview is now supported, which consequently makes it possible to have the OSLC preview being displayed by Polarion for links targeting Capella model elements in Publication for Capella.

Publication for Capella 2023.4.0 - Small Preview working in Polarion

Figure 3. Small Preview working in Polarion

Contributor Client Improvements

      • At the end of a publication, the jobs page is no longer automatically opened. A pop-up with a hyperlink leading to the jobs page is now displayed instead.
      • Updating from the server only considers friends that have been configured as Artifact Repositories within the Traceability model.
      • The "Init traceability" action now only displays domains that are not already configured in the model.
      • The "Init traceability" action now displays icons for each initializer.
      • A new kind of initializer is available to facilitate the creation of Artifact Repositories in the model by retrieving available friends from the Publication server.

Publication for Capella 2023.4.0 - Artifact Repositories initialization

Figure 4. Artifact Repositories initialization

Bug Fixes

    • A bug prevented very large models from being published (when the amount of bytes to publish exceeded the largest Integer value in Java). This has been resolved, making it possible to publish very large models. However, the RAM and disk space must be sufficient to hold the published data in memory and in the temporary folder used by Java, which is system-dependent.

Publication for Capella 2023.3.1 (2023-03-28)

The version is mainly a bug-fix release, with a few improvements related to the IBM Jazz suite support.


  • Connectivity from Publication for Capella to Jazz EWM and Jazz Quality Manager is now supported.
    • In previous versions, only DOORS Next could be connected from Publication for Capella.
  • Consequently, drag & drop from Jazz EWM is now supported.
    •  Drag & drop from Jazz Quality Manager is still not supported.

Documentation Improvements

  • Examples of configurations for Jazz EWM and Jazz Quality Manager have been added, both for the server OSLC Linking configuration and for the Contributor Client configuration.

Contributor Client Bug Fixes

  • Diagrams are now properly refreshed when artifacts are dropped, even in Team for Capella.
  • The Contributor Client no longer hides meta-model registration errors.
    • There was a bug in previous versions that could hide a meta-model registration error and let the publication proceed, resulting in an error message meta-model with hash xxxx is not registered.
  • Models with invalid views can now be published.
    • There was a bug in previous versions that prevented some models from being published. Specifically, the models with views with no viewpoint set could not be published.

Server Bug Fixes

  • The regression that caused deleted links to still appear in DOORS Next is now fixed. This regression had been introduced in version 2023.3.0.

Publication for Capella 2023.3.0 (2023-03-03)

The main novelty of this version is the capability to manage traceability links directly within Capella, while keeping these links synchronized with the Publication server and the connected third-party repositories.

Managing Traceability in Capella

This new capability makes it possible for System Engineers to easily create traceability links between their model elements and third-party artifacts such as requirements, tests cases, or change requests.

The System Engineer can create such links simply by dragging and dropping URLs of artifacts from their website into Capella.

The drag and drop can take place in a diagram, or in the model tree. A link gets created between the dropped artifact and the model element on which it was dropped.

It is possible to configure different types of links to be created between different types of model elements and different types of artifacts. If several types of link are configured as being allowed between the dropped artifact and the model element, then the user must chose the one they want to create.

These links are available within the Capella model, but they also get to the Publication server each time the model is published. These links can also be created or deleted on the Publication for Capella website, and System Engineers can synchronize their Capella models to retrieve these link changes in the Capella model.

Please refer to the User Guide for a complete description of this novelty and the related features.

Other Changes

  • Models must be saved before publishing.
    • A pop-up will be displayed if the user tries to publish an unsaved model to make it possible to save the model and proceed, or cancel the publish.
  • Models are automatically saved after publishing.
    • Publishing a model will modify some technical information in the model. For this reason, the model is saved automatically after publishing, whereas it appeared as dirty in previous releases.

Bug Fixes

  • The display of the rich text documentation is now correct.
    • There was a bug in previous versions that caused the rich text to be incorrectly formatted after the 1st link in the documentation.
  • The version number displayed in the home page footer is now correct;
    • In version 2022.11.0, the footer was incorrect and stated 2022.9.0.