Compatibility: Capella 1.3.2
The Team for Capella 1.3.2 maintenance release brings several major changes (compared to Team for Capella 1.3.1):
When updating from 1.1.x or 1.2.x to this new version, it is recommended to use a new workspace: durable locks have been disabled by default but older versions used to activate this feature as a user choice. It is also possible to clean the old workspace by removing the PREF_ENABLE_DURABLE_LOCKING=true preference value from the workspace metadata located in: .metadata\.plugins\ org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\fr.obeo.dsl.viewpoint.collab.prefs file of the workspace.
This version also introduces several fixes:
Compatibility: Capella 1.3.1
The Team for Capella 1.3.1 maintenance release brings several major changes (compared to Team for Capella 1.3.0):
When updating from 1.1.x or 1.2.x to this new version, it is recommended to use a new workspace: durable locks have been disabled by default but older versions used to activate this feature as a user choice. It is also possible to clean the old workspace by removing the PREF_ENABLE_DURABLE_LOCKING=true preference value from the workspace metadata located in: .metadata\.plugins\ org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\fr.obeo.dsl.viewpoint.collab.prefs file of the workspace.
This version also introduces several fixes:
The version published on 2019-06-28 has been replaced by a new release on 2019-08-07. It is a rebuild in order to integrate a new version of the license system due to changes in Java (8u201, 11.0.2 and later) around cipher suites. There is no change on the other components.
Compatibility: Capella 1.3.0
The Team for Capella 1.3.0 major release brings several major changes (compared to Team for Capella 1.2.1):
More details can be found in the integrated documentation.
When updating from 1.1.x or 1.2.x to this new version, it is recommended to use a new workspace: durable locks have been disabled by default but older versions used to activate this feature as a user choice. It is also possible to clean the old workspace by removing the PREF_ENABLE_DURABLE_LOCKING=true preference value from the workspace metadata located in: .metadata\.plugins\ org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\fr.obeo.dsl.viewpoint.collab.prefs file of the workspace.
This version also introduces several fixes:
This new version dramatically reduces the time spent to open a Connected Project containing many representations.
Now only the semantic model (containing the data) is loaded when the project opens. A representation (diagram, table or tree) will not be loaded until the user opens it.
As shown on the figure, opening a shared Connected Project is now far quicker than opening a local one and independent from the number of representations. This figure is based on a Capella model containing 24 000 elements and 64 diagrams containing 300 graphical elements each.
Instead of waiting for the loading of all the representations at once, the time is distributed on each representation's first opening. This small additional time depends on the number of graphical elements.
The gain is also noticeable on the memory footprint. Opening the Connected Project will only consume the memory corresponding to the semantic model, while the memory corresponding to the representations is consumed only on their first opening.
This new mechanism is activated by default, but it can be deactivated if you prefer to use the previous loading strategy.