Team for Capella - Releases 5

Team for Capella 5.2.0 (2021-12-28)

Compatibility: Capella 5.2.0


What's new

The Team for Capella 5.2.0 maintenance release brings several major changes (compared to Team for Capella 5.1.0):

  • Compatibility with Capella 5.2.0
  • UX enhancements
    • In the Export project wizard, the behavior of the Override existing resources has been improved: whereas on previous versions the override was simply forbidden as soon as a Library project was detected on the server, now the export is forbidden if one of the resources to override is a Library resource and at least one of the remote projects is not overriden.
    • Location selection page displayed at representation creation (and move) has been improved to use less ambiguous labels and terms for end-users.
  • Locks management
    • The save action now sends the commit data and the unlock messages in the same network request.
      • This allows to optimize the network usage and also to minimize the number of notifications to send to all connected users and the implied distribution potential issues.
    • All impacted elements by a deletion are now locked as soon as possible before executing the delete command.
      • After a deletion (ie after having validate the impact analysis dialog), some impacted semantic elements by the deletion (such as the container of a deleted element) were locked only in a second time. Most of the time, that was not visible by the end user but a second lock message was later sent to the server.
      • That might lead to interrupt the delete during its execution if a lock instance exception was received.
  • Packaging, installation and deployment enhancements
    • The embedded documentation has been extracted in order to be available for administrators without having to launch the Team for Capella client. 
    • Scheduler
      • Jenkins has been removed from Team for Capella bundles. Jenkins becomes a required installed software to deploy the Scheduler.
      • The bundle now contains documentation and scripts to help the installation and configuration of Jenkins.
        • The provided scripts and configuration tips allow to retrieve the same set of Jobs, Views of the Scheduler as in Team for Capella 5.1.0.
        • The installation and configuration process and script have been described and tested with Jenkins LTS 2.303.3.
        • The System Administration Guide have been complete with Jenkins installation page.
      • The targeted Jenkins version has been updated from LTS version 2.277.3 to LTS version 2.303.3.
        • This brings several important security fixes and also notable changes as documented in the LTS release notes.
  • Server
    • OpenID Connect authentication support has been added to Team for Capella.
      • The configuration to use OpenID Connect targeting MS Azure AD can be retrieved in the Activate OpenID Connect authentication documentation section.
  • Tools
    • Command
      • New API has been added to send timeout specification to the OSGI console client.
        • The parameter -consoleTimeout can now be used for the importer and maintenance applications and jobs to define the timeout for the commands sent to the server.
        • If a command is stuck too long compared to the timeout, a SocketTimeoutException will be thrown.
    • Importer
      • A lock is acquired on aird resources before performing the CDO XML dump.
        • This action prevents other connected users to commit their changes during the XML dump.
        • This modification concerns only the Snapshot import importer strategy.
      • The import steps order has changed to avoid issues with imported images.
        • There is now a first step with import of projects and a second with archiving of projects.
        • The number of projects in "Import to local final status" can be different of the number in "Archiving final status".
        • Indeed, some dependency projects can also be archived.
      • The parameter -includeCommitHistoryChanges now works with Snapshot and Offline import strategies.
      • Images from Libraries are now correctly imported by the Importer application.
      • It is now possible to import a project whose Project element status has been set.

More details can be found in the documentation.


Important note

Windows 10 users: Windows 10 Defender significantly slows down Eclipse, reason being Windows 10 Defender scanning the JAR files. The problem has been reported to Microsoft here. Until then, a workaround to this problem is to add Eclipse root directory to Windows 10 Defender's exclusion list, detailed steps are shared here.

Note: This issue is not specific to Eclipse.


Fixed Issues

This version also introduces several fixes:

  • Capella fragments are now shown after an import from repository.
  • Lock state prefetch is now more robust against ObjectNotFoundException, NullPointerException or RemoteException.
  • Avoid random infinite loop in SSL Connector.
  • Remote session manager subscription: reaction to remote session notifications instead of multiple calls to the server.
  • Better handle exceptions in import/export wizards.


Rebuild on 2022-02-22

The Team for Capella 5.2.0 bundles have been modified to include a patch plugin in the server.

In some conditions, the attempt to lock aird resources before performing the CDO XML dump fails due to a missing permission to access data when the revision cache has been garbage collected. Several component can be impacted: the cdo export command, the Importer application, the automatic backup jobs (Projects - Imports and derivative jobs), ..

The patch plugins brings the missing permission to the command provider, it also allows to retrieve the 5.1.0 behavior (no lock aird attempt) with the use of -Dcom.thalesgroup.mde.collab.internal.server.export.xml.disableAirdsLocking=true in TeamForCapella/server/server.ini.

The Scheduler resources have also been improved in the Linux bundle in order to avoid several manual installation steps around Xvnc.

For servers deployed with Team for Capella 5.2.0 downloaded before February 22nd, 2022, the patch is available through your usual support channel.


Team for Capella 5.1.0 (2021-06-28)

Compatibility: Capella 5.1.0


What's new

The Team for Capella 5.1.0 maintenance release brings several major changes (compared to Team for Capella 5.0.0):

  • Compatibility with Capella 5.1.0
  • UX enhancements
    • It is now possible to configure some preferences at the project level: this is the case for two preferences for Sirius: Automatic refresh and Refresh at opening.
      • Local Capella projects now have the same behavior in a Team for Capella client than in Capella: Automatic refresh and Refresh at opening are enabled by default at the workspace level.
      • However, shared projects have the same behavior as in Team for Capella previous versions: Automatic refresh and Refresh at opening are disabled by default at the project level. This can be modified in the connection wizard or later in the project properties. Refer to Overriding Sirius refresh preferences for a particular connected project.
    • Two new property pages have been added in the properties of .aird files (available from the Properties contextual menu):
      • Sirius Session Details : displays information about session resources, viewpoints, representations (number, load state, manual refresh need, invalid status).
      • Collaborative Session Details (previously named Repository Information): displays repository connection information, login of connected users and locks (implicit and explicit, owned and taken by other users).
    • A diagram is now locked when changing its contextual elements
    • New shortcuts to Team for Capella wizards have been added to File > New menu
    • Team for Capella wizards now follow the same rules than Capella and forbids project creation with names containing special characters.
  • Packaging, installation and deployment enhancements
    • Scheduler
      • Jenkins version has been updated from version 2.204.6 (LTS) to version 2.277.3 (LTS). This brings several important security fixes and also notable changes as documented in the (LTS release notes).
      • The column with the build button has been moved between the weather column and the project name column on each configurable tab.
      • Windows Service installation does not requires .Net Framework 3.5 anymore
      • CVS and SVN plugins have been removed from the Scheduler
  • Tools
    • Importer
      • Management of images used in diagrams has been improved:
        • When uploading an image, the user can choose if the image is embedded in the project or considered as an external image.
        • When importing a remote project, remote images are properly copied: embedded images are copied within the imported project and external images are copied in the project they initially belonged to.
        • All imported projects (Capella, library or projets containing images) are properly zipped by the importer job.
      • Session details are now logged during session check step (when -checkSession parameter is set to true).
    • Maintenance
      • New cases of inconsistency are detected by the diagnostic job and can be repaired by the maintenance job: references in the model linked to missing elements in the database.
  • Server
    • The default configuration of the CDO repository has been changed from Auditing with Ranges to Auditing.
      • This changes the way to store lists in the internal database and improves server serialization and read performances with noticeable improvements on the user side in Semantic Browser and Commit history refresh.
  • Experimental
    • A linux bundle is available for both Team For Capella client features and server
    • A new transport layer based on web socket and web socket secured protocols (ws:// and wss://) has been added in the collaborative components. It can be enabled for experimental purposes.

More details can be found in the integrated documentation.


Important note

Windows 10 users: Windows 10 Defender significantly slows down Eclipse, reason being Windows 10 Defender scanning the JAR files. The problem has been reported to Microsoft here. Until then, a workaround to this problem is to add Eclipse root directory to Windows 10 Defender's exclusion list, detailed steps are shared here.

Note: This issue is not specific to Eclipse.


Fixed Issues

This version also introduces several fixes:

  • No more save failed caused after cloning a diagram with a broken representation link
  • Notes in diagram are now created with the same Style when Team for Capella is installed than in a standard Capella
  • A bug causing a blank result for the import of the commit history has been resolved.
  • Windows Service installation is now possible when Team for Capella installation path contains whitespaces.
  • A few other minor fixes around collaborative features or the compatibility between Capella features and the collaborative add-on.

Team for Capella 5.0.0 (2021-01-05)

Compatibility: Capella 5.0.0


What's new

The Team for Capella 5.0.0 major release brings several major changes (compared to Team for Capella 1.4.2):

  • Compatibility with Capella 5.0.0
  • UX enhancements
    • It is now possible to register several Team for Capella repositories in the Team for Capella client.
    • The wizard pages which allows to choose the location of created/moved representations have been improved for a better management and understanding.
    • A new Invalid representations is now displayed in the Project Explorer to easily retrieve invalid representations of a shared project.
    • The Commit History view now allows to filter the displayed impacted elements.
  • Packaging, installation and deployment enhancements
    • The packaging has been reworked to ease installation:
      • installation scripts and tools have been moved to a tools folder,
      • plugin customization file is created during installation with default values,
    • The server, license server and tools use the JVM provided by the Capella 5.0.0 bundle (OpenJDK 14.0.2).
    • The Scheduler uses its own JVM as runtime (Jenkins is not yet compatible with Java 14, an AdoptOpenJDK 8u265 is embedded in the Scheduler.
    • The logs of the server, license server and tools used from the Scheduler jobs are now directly visible in the Scheduler console view.

More details can be found in the integrated documentation.


Important note

Windows 10 users: Windows 10 Defender significantly slows down Eclipse, reason being Windows 10 Defender scanning the JAR files. The problem has been reported to Microsoft here. Until then, a workaround to this problem is to add Eclipse root directory to Windows 10 Defender's exclusion list, detailed steps are shared here.

Note: This issue is not specific to Eclipse.


Fixed Issues

This version also introduces several fixes:

  • The Copy Layout/Format actions can now be used on locked diagrams.
  • The contextual Move is no more hidden when a diagram is opened.
  • Several memory leaks have been corrected in the export wizards.
  • A few other minor fixes around collaborative features or the compatibility between Capella features and the collaborative add-on.