Team for Capella 7.0.1 (Next version)

Status: Acceptance campaign in progress

Compatibility: Capella 7.0.1


What's new

  • Compatibility with Capella 7.0.1
  • UX enhancements
    • The Semantic Criteria category has been added in the Filters and Customization dialog opened from the Diff/Merge editor when comparing two models with Compare with > Compare Each others.
    • The Semantic Browser now retrieves the impacted diagrams for newly created semantic objects, ie. the model elements created in a connected project which has not been saved since their creation (those objects are not known yet for the server nor for the other users).
    • The Semantic Browser refresh computation of referenced elements has been reworked for elements of connected projects. Computation is now done in less than 1s for some projects which used to encounter a 1min freeze on selection change.
    • The refresh of frozen diagram, ie. diagrams which were _locked by other_ before reception of remote changes, has been reworked to avoid interfaces freezes occurring in some situations on xAB, xDFB diagrams having functional chains, physical paths or physical links.
  • Packaging, installation and deployment
    • The default repository's data source is now named repoCapella instead of capella to match its repository name, ensure naming consistency and ease readability.
    • In multi-user configuration with shared Capella installation folder, it is now possible to keep the registered repositories list in the shared capella/configuration folder.
    • Scheduler
      • The Database - Restore job is now able to restore dynamic repositories and/or a single repository at a time.
      • A new option has been added to the Repository - Start  job to allow the reinitalization of a repository without having to restart the server nor to access the files.
      • URLs of Jenkins plugins have been replaced in installation scripts in order to avoid redirect errors during installation on Linux.
  • Server changes
    • A new option has been added to the Start repository REST API to allow the reinitalization of a repository without having to restart the server nor to access the files.
    • Two new OSGI commands revisionCacheInfo and revisionCacheCleanup are available to manage the internal revisions cache. They can be called on the OSGI console or from the REST API.
    • The OpenID Connect authentication is now officially compatible with Keycloak.
    • The OpenID Connect authenticator has been reworked to allow the customization of the authentication request sent to the identity provider and the user registration in user manager.
  • Tools
    • A new CLI application is available to create a connected projects. connect.bat/ scripts have been added to the TeamForCapella/tools folder.

More details can be found in the documentation.


Fixed Issues

This version also introduces several fixes:

  • Import wizard now correctly sets the Library nature if the imported project is a Library.
  • Export wizard now better handles several use cases mixing multi-selection, project names containing whitespaces, libraries. Better guards and error messages have been added to report Merge Strategy known unsupported cases.
  • Import/export wizard usage no more forbid later activation of durable locks for a given Capella workspace.
  • The activation of the Next button of Import/Export/Connect wizards is now based on the result of the Test Connection button.
  • OpendID Connect logout and authentication cancel no more lead to project opening.
  • License Server - Run job console is no more spammed by Jetty debug logs.
  • Exporter/Importer/Connect/Credentials CLI application better handle the -help, httpHost, -connectionType arguments.
  • ...


 Note: Windows 10 users: Windows 10 Defender significantly slows down Eclipse, reason being Windows 10 Defender scanning the JAR files. The problem has been reported to Microsoft here. Until then, a workaround to this problem is to add Eclipse root directory to Windows 10 Defender's exclusion list, detailed steps are shared here. This is not just an Eclipse issue on Windows 10.


Team for Capella 7.0.0 (2024-07-19)

Compatibility: Capella 7.0.0


What's new

  • Compatibility with Capella 7.0.0
  • UX enhancements
    • Connection wizards now select the new project at the end
    • The Commit History view now allows to filter the displayed impacted elements.
    • Export commit history actions have been modified to propose to squash consecutive commits done by the same user with the same description (same mode available in the Commit History view and the Importer CLI)
  • Packaging, installation and deployment
    • Internal components update to match the same platform than Capella 7.0.0 (based on Eclipse 2023-03 and Eclipse Sirius 7.4.1).
    • Move to Collaborative layer for Sirius 15.3.0 and Jetty 10.0.20.
    • Move from CDO 4.7 (forked by Obeo) to CDO 4.22 (forked by Obeo).
    • Move from Obeo License System 2.6.4 to Obeo License System 2.7.0 with availability of a new HTTP(s) based protocol.
    • Installation guide has been completed with two additions:
      • Jenkins offline installation and configuration procedure,
      • Advanced installation and configuration sample procedure.
    • User guide has been completed with a troubleshooting guide.
    • Dedicated client only installation bundles are available for Windows, Linux and macOS.
    • Scheduler
      • The targeted Jenkins version has been updated from LTS version 2.375.3 to LTS version 2.440.3.
        • This brings several important security fixes and also notable changes as documented in the LTS release notes.
      • New jobs have been added in the Scheduler:
        • Repository - Commit history: it allows to get the commit history of a repository.
        • Repository - List projects: it allows to get the list of projects on a repository at specific timestamp.
        • Repository - Import projects from history: it allows to import projects from a repository from a specific timestamp.
      • Jenkins/Scheduler installation scripts have been improved: parameters/variables have been extracted to a sibling .properties file.
      • Modification of some default jobs to extract the repository name to a combo choice.
      • The jobs status have been modified to be consistent with the executed command status.
      • The list of recommended Jenkins plugins has been reduced.
  • Server changes
    • Internal database mapping for commit description has been switched from VARCHAR to CLOB to remove the 255 character length limit.
    • Internal database backup process logs have been improved to be less confusing.
    • Several improvements have been done on the REST Admin Server API: 
      • Monitoring endpoints have been added to ODTS: /monitoring/health/monitoring/info and /monitoring/metrics,
      • A new endpoints has been added to allow the export of the commit history of a repository,
      • Export and list projects endpoints can now work on a specific timestamp of the commit history.
      • It is now able to manage static repositories for the following services
        • Repositories: start/stop/list,
        • Users: list/add/update/delete services. The behavior and result depends on the authentication type of each repository.
      • Dynamic repositories created with the REST API now have the same LDAP / OpenID Connect configuration capabilities than static repositories created in cdo-server.xml.
  • Tools
    • CLI tools now handle the -eclipse.password option and can target a dedicated secure storage on Linux.
    • Timestamps arguments and format in results files have been homogenized.
    • Telnet support has been removed. It was deprecated since 6.1.0
    • Importer
      • The CLI Importer tool has been improved to have new capabilities, it is now able to: 
        • Extract a specific version of a project, from any point in the commit history.
        • Extract the commit history without importing any projects.
        • Decoded project names are now accepted as argument.
        • Image import is now consistent with the Import wizard: several modes are available ALL|USED|NONE.
      • Importer error message when the repository is stopped has been improved
      • The deprecated -archiveFolder argument has been removed.

More details can be found in the documentation.


Fixed Issues

This version also introduces several fixes:

  • OpenID Component now correctly handle redirect URLs in its responses when placed behind an HTTPs proxy.
  • Files are no more flattens in projects imported by the CLI importer application.
  • Diagnostic job can now target dynamic repositories and/or server with WS/WSS connection types.
  • Asynchronous behavior of some GMF actions in diagram toolbars is now better handled in order to avoid potential deadlock on remote changes receptions.
  • Behavior of server shutdown and repository stop detection have been improved to avoid potential deadlocks. The effective close behavior has not changed: project sessions and opened editors are closed, unsaved data is lost.
  • A few other minor fixes around collaborative features or the compatibility between Capella features and the collaborative add-on.
  • ...


 Note: Windows 10 users: Windows 10 Defender significantly slows down Eclipse, reason being Windows 10 Defender scanning the JAR files. The problem has been reported to Microsoft here. Until then, a workaround to this problem is to add Eclipse root directory to Windows 10 Defender's exclusion list, detailed steps are shared here. This is not just an Eclipse issue on Windows 10.


Rebuild on 2024-09-09

The Team for Capella 7.1.0 server bundle for Windows has been modified to include a slight modification of the license server job to avoid Eclipse Jetty logs to spam the console log depending on the Jenkins service configuration.

For servers deployed with Team for Capella 7.0.0 downloaded before September 09, 2024, the job batch command needs to be modified to add: --launcher.ini lic-server.ini